Thursday, July 19, 2007

dont you just hate it when your bored?? Dont answer that question but still, there is like nothing to do so i have come up with a solution to that!!
Knock knock
Who's there?
Someone else can think of the rest of the joke for me cause im to bored to do that. Anyway um Amykinz no offence your blog is too pink, Tarn no offence but i cant see your blog lol, and Hindey...sweet, sweet Hindey.....nice hair!! I dont really feel like talking on this cause it kind of makes me sound mad, you know with the whole talking to yourself when no-one listens, which makes it even worse than actually talking to yourself! Goshh oh well im going now (still talking to myself) and here's my evil laugh mwahahahaha!!! I've been practising lol!


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